Wednesday, June 04, 2008

You can't go home again....

While having lunch with my brilliant friend, Laura Seitz, I realized that no matter what the world has given us -- home is never going to be the same. Will my children feel the same? Probably.

No matter how hard you try...remembering the times playing in the basement with neighbor kids and cousins, idealizing that unspoiled time when you could ride your bike for hours or lay in the summer grass with a book and read, dream, read some more...

No matter how hard you try...home is not there anymore. Parents age or pass away, the cousins you could never shake (no matter what) you haven't seen for years now, friends grow up and move away because they can't make a living in the hometown we idealize.

We recognize change, but is this change or a time to mourn the loss of things that will never return?

We do not drive the world (in any sense, especially in cars) Look to India, Singapore, China for the future. We are a 24/7 life which has its advantages for interaction, community and collaboration, but only if we reach out and try. How we see the world and are in the world must build a bridge, join a greater cause, understand that we are not alone and that home is where you are.

Home may change, relationships may change, but humans don't change and we need to have a reality that we can understand, interact with and believe in.

Can you go home again?